
Putin red button cake
Putin red button cake

He was looking anxious as usual.Ĭointelegraph: So, Vittalark, how is it going? I have seen you since England France at Twickenham. I caught up with Vittalark Buttering at Liverpool Street station just by the thriving fintech hub of Shoreditch. The Donald is sure to be very happy as of writing this article, TrumpCoin at number 102 and PUTINCoin at 109 on the long list of crypto coin tokens. I am not sure about the investment value of PutinCoin though given its value and MarketCap but I intend to buy TrumpCoin with its slogan “Let’s rebuild America” is encouraging and suggests his fans will start buying coins by the dozen. Will he use TrumpCoin to Trump PutinCoin?

putin red button cake

With the plethora of crypto altcoins and Colored coins that cover almost every industry from music and entertainment, porn, supply chain, recruitment and time itself will we see a TrumpCoin increase in value when Donald the businessman finds out Vladimir Putin already has one. It has been another great month for ICOs with a couple of Blockchain Gaming opportunities, Contingency and Etheroll and with EdgeLess starting in the few days the gaming sector promises a great deal of disruption ahead.Ĭoupled with Lykke a crypto asset exchange, Humaniq 4.0 banking for unbanked, Melon Project for asset and Intellisys for fund management and with Chronobank just finishing, February 2017 has been a pivotal month and a major step forward for the evolution of a Capital Markets 2.0 economy.īest of all the good news is March is lining up to be an even stronger month for launching new Blockchain businesses that will create more havoc and disruption across a wide range of industries and bring about new business models and ways of exchanging products and services as value. While VC and seed investment levels may have dropped recently there is no doubt the preferred fundraising method remains an ICO as a simpler, lower friction and faster means for entrepreneurs to raise capital. ICOs remain the investment vehicle of choice for crypto-entrepreneurs

putin red button cake

Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton, the sage of Shoreditch summarizes another great few weeks in the fintech capital.

Putin red button cake